Born. 1981

Ada, Oklahoma

Angie M. Wallace believes in the power of vulnerability and the human capacity to transform discomfort into actionable possibilities for a better world. She is a designer, advocate, conflict facilitator, systems thinker, lyrical poet, and artist. Whether playing with metaphor or diving right in, she visualizes difficult subjects through personal narrative, systems mapping, illustrations, and creative writing. Emphasizing the human experience, her work embraces both the ups and downs of lived experience. Angie believes visualization can fill the gaps between interpersonal conflicts and the rigidity of structural systems. In her free time, she enjoys cooking fancy dinners, watching DIY shows, and road tripping. She dabbles with improv and enjoys taking bad photos with her phone. Angie’s favorite time of year is early fall right before the transition into winter, when the nights are still warm and the leaves begin to wither.


MFA Willamette University, Collaborative Design, [candidate] 2024

MS University of Oregon School of Law, Conflict and Dispute Resolution, 2019

MIIS Southern Oregon University, Interdisciplinary Studies, 2018

BS Southern Oregon University, Studio Arts, Cum Laude, 2011



Restorative Justice,  Resolutions Northwest, 2020 

Intern, Lane County Youth Services, 2019

Volunteer, Court Appointed Special Advocates, 2019

Family Mediation Certificate, University of Oregon, 2019

Basic Mediation Certificate, Resolve Center for Dispute Resolution and Restorative Justice, 2018

Massage Therapy Certificate, Ashland Institute of Massage, 2011

Graduate Jeweler Certificate, Revere Academy of Jewelry Arts, 2003